Cheap VPN connection service「」

SOCKS5 is not VPN but proxy.It is not encrypted,but it can be connected in high speed.It is the recommened connection method when aim to read animation.Explain how to connect proxy of SOCKS5 in sockscap64(Windows application). Free application can be downloaded and installed.
It is possibe to download it.

After install it, please startt SocksCap64.(It is OK to select mode of Normal or mode of Normal Administrator)

Display ProgramPanel,select and register application connected to proxy.

List of application is displayed,so check check box and push OK.

It can be registered easily in the menu when only browser.

Then register proxy server.

Set IP address(or host name) in Proxy Address.
Set Account,password as the same ID,password with PPTP.
Port is 143.Set SOCKS Type as SOCKS 5.

Finish the setting.Please select connected proxy,double click and start the application you want to use.