VPN service registration
Cheap VPN service Cup.commore...

①Register mail address →②Confirm mail address → ③Apply → Start to use it!
■mail address(Necessary)



Agree with following prohibited items.
↑Please input "f"
Payment term
PayPal、微信红包(WeChat Red Packet) It is possible to pay it.
Red Packet logo
Prohibited items
Prohibit following acts

Through information that is is contrary to public policy like slander,calumny and obscenity etc.
Send spam mail and post spam.
Misuse free period and escape charge.
Use the act that lose trust of IP address provided.
Have the acts that is against the law.
Place excessive stress on equipment.
Trouble other users.

When the company judged that have prohibited items as above, it will suspend and delete use of the service.